Foto: Richard Avedon
Richard Avedon er en mann som har gjort mye for mote-fotografi opp igjennom historien. Allerede i 1955 reolusjonerte han datidens syn på mote, med bildet av modell i Dior-kjole sammen med sirkus elefanter. Han har vært til stor inspirasjon for dagens store fotografer, bla Meisel og Testino. Mange celebriteter har blitt foreviget gjennom hans linse. Sist utstilling av hans fotografier var i Køben, Danmark, og hang frem til januar -08.
Richard Avedon is a photographer that has done a lot fashion photography through history. Allready in 1955 he changed the then strick opinions about fashion photography, when he pictured a modell in a Dior dress together with circus elephants. He's been an inspiration for the big photographers of today such as Meisel and Testino, and lots of celebrities have been captured through his lens. The last exhibition shoing his work was in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was hanging until january -08.
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